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Hung Ga (洪家), Hung Kuen (洪拳), or Hung Ga Kuen (洪家拳) is a southern Chinese martial art (Cantonese, to be more specific), which belongs to the southern shaolin styles and associated with the Cantonese folk hero Wong Fei Hung, who was a master of Hung Ga.


The hallmarks of the Wong Fei-Hung lineage of Hung Ga are deep low stances, notably its "sei ping ma"(四平馬) horse stance, and strong hand techniques, notably the bridge hand and the versatile tiger claw. The student traditionally spends anywhere from months to three years in stance training, often sitting only in horse stance between a half-hour to several hours at one time, before learning any forms. Each form then might take a year or so to learn, with weapons learned last. 

Some of the popular styles are: 

  • Taming the Tiger Fist 工字伏虎拳

  • Tiger Crane Paired Form Fist 虎鶴雙形拳

Source: Wikipedia

Kung Fu

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